About Me

Hello! I am a PhD student, advised by Professor Lantao Liu, in the Intelligent Systems Engineering department at Indiana University Bloomington. I am a member of Vehicle Autonomy and Intelligence Lab (VAIL).

My research interests include perception, deep learning and autonomous navigation in robotics domain.

  • Perception is to understand the surrounding environments using certain sensor measurements, e.g., point clouds or images. I have been working on developing geometric-based methods to process Point Clouds (RA-L) and Images (ICRA’21) such that the perception information could be efficiently and robustly utilized for planning during the mission.
  • Deep Learning is an extremely important learning-based method for solving preception problems. Applications of deep learning in robotics are strictly limited due to the availability of training data. I have been working on developing models with Unsupervised-learning-based paradigm (NeurIPS’21-ML4AD, submitted to ICRA’22) and with Domain Adaptation (Ongoing work) for constructing navigable space and extracting semantic information.
  • Autonomous Navigation is a fundamental capability for deploying mobile robots in the real world. I have been working on developing methods for Visual Navigation (submitted to ICRA’22) and Exploration (ArXiv).

You can find my CV here.


Kernel-based Diffusion Approximated Markov Decision Processes for Off-Road Autonomous Navigation and Control
Junhong Xu, Kai Yin, Zheng Chen, Jason M. Gregory, Ethan A. Stump, Lantao Liu.

Polyline Based Generative Navigable Space Segmentation for Autonomous Visual Navigation
Zheng Chen, Zhengming Ding, David Crandall, Lantao Liu. submitted to ICRA’22.
[pdf] [bibtex] [supplementary] [slide]

NSS-VAEs: Generative Scene Decomposition for Visual Navigable Space Construction
Zheng Chen, Lantao Liu. NeurIPS 2021 Workshop on Machine Learning for Autonomous Driving.
[pdf] [bibtex] [video] [slide]

Efficient Map Prediction via Low-Rank Matrix Completion
Zheng Chen, Shi Bai, Lantao Liu. 2021 IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation. ICRA’21
[pdf] [bibtex] [supplementary] [presentation] [slide]

Multi-Objective Autonomous Exploration on Real-Time Continuous Occupancy Maps
Zheng Chen, Weizhe Chen, Shi Bai, Lantao Liu. ArXiv.
[pdf] [bibtex] [video]

Navigable Space Construction from Sparse Noisy Point Clouds
Zheng Chen, Lantao Liu. IEEE Robotics and Automation Letters 6.3 (2021). RA-L
[pdf] [bibtex] [supplementary] [presentation] [slide]

A Visual Feature based Obstacle Avoidance Method for Autonomous Navigation
Zheng Chen, Malintha Fernando, Lantao Liu. 2019 IEEE Applied Imagery Pattern Recognition Workshop (AIPR). AIPR’19
[pdf] [bibtex]


  • Reviewer for IROS2021, ICRA2022
  • Teaching assistant for ENGR E511 Machine Learning for Signal Processing, 2020 Spring
  • Project mentor for students in New Albany High School